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"La vérité de l'étayage, c'est la séduction."  Jean Laplanche


2015: Boston - Sexuality and Otherness in Laplanche : Theoretical and Technical Issues




 Sexuality and Otherness in Laplanche : Theoretical and Technical Issues

Organized by La Fondation Jean Laplanche/Nouveaux Fondements pour la psychanalyse
Thursday, July 23rd, Friday, July 24th, Saturday, July 25th 2015, from 7:45 to 8 :45 AM.



July 23rd

I. Laplanche’s work in Contemporary Psychoanalysis Introduction to Laplanche’s work : Metapsychology and Psychoanalytic Practice, Drives, Sexuality, Gender, Epistemological Considerations.

Presenter : Hélène Tessier, Montréal, Canada.

Respondent and Discussion Leader : Jose Carlos Calich, Porto Allegre, Brasil


July 24th

2. Basic Concepts of Laplanche’s General Theory of Seduction The Fundamental Anthropological Situation (implantation, intromission), Seduction, translation

Presenter : Udo Hock, Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Respondent and Discussion Leader :Christophe Dejours, Paris, France


July 25th

3. Laplanche’s General Theory of Seduction and the Clinical Situation : The Analytic Setting, Transference, Interpretation, Psychoanalysis/ Psychotherapy, Clinical Issues and Psychopathology

Presenter : Alberto Luchetti, Padova, Italia

Respondent and Discussion Leader : Jonathan House, New York, U.S.A.